About Us
By concentrating on a limited number of assignments, we are able to provide our clients focus and attention to detail on each asset.
JSH Properties, Inc. was established in 1986 to provide custom property management and brokerage services to a select group of property owners. Our client base includes pension fund advisors, high net worth individuals, private trusts, R.E.I.T.s, major corporations and developers.
Our main objective is to provide tailored management and leasing services in order to maximize the client’s real estate return in both the short and long term. As a local company which has national perspective, we have vast experience in forecasting market trends and positioning each property toward its highest and best use. Acting as developer, either on our own account or on the behalf of our clients, we understand proformas, accurate budgeting and achieving the best risk-return reward on capital expenditures.
The principals and employees of JSH is a group of diversified and seasoned professionals whose demonstrated integrity, reliability, and years of outstanding performance to build long-term value for our clients.